The director of Optima RG Group has had a long standing relationship with the following partners in financial underwriting and risk management. With the strength of our allegiance we can provide total project development for the following sectors; General real estate development in commercial and multi-family construction, energy and industrial sectors and mergers and acquisitions.
Our valuable partners are:
Linco Construction, is a civil engineering firm with state the art equipment using satellite lasers for on time and precise field engineering and
construction in site preparation, vertical and horizontal concrete
structures and utility infrastructure.
Householder Construction is a general construction management company. The principal has high end large project construction experience in convention center hotels, hospitals and commercial buildings
Quesco Turbomachinary is an energy services company specializing in electrical turban generator refurbishment and installation. Optima RG serves as the procurement arm for these projects.
Harbor America a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) serving the construction, industrial and energy and oil and gas service industries. Optima/Harbor will reduce labor burden costs and eliminating insurance policy deposits for Workers' Compensation; if your employees are working, pay for worker's compensation; if they are not you don't pay for the insurance. We perform our services throughout the US and assist in all employee/employment related matters for insurance to taxes both state and federal. Through our pre-qualified employee pool we can provide assistance in filling positions especially for temporary work and job specific projects.
Mergers and Acquisitions:
Our relationship with capital markets enhances Optima RG and Allegiant Group Ventures ability to pre-underwrite and close financial structures in a timely manner.
Risk Management:
America Surety provides contract surety bonds for the construction and industrial sectors. The directors of Technical Assurance, including that of the Director of Optima RG Group, have over 100 years of underwriting contract surety bonds from initial consultation to account underwriting and bonds issue.